Hanseatic Trade Center
Hamburg Germany
Hanseatic Trade center
HTC - The Project
Tenants at Hanseatic Trade Center
Web Cam
German Web Site
The Project
A plan of the office development - Hanseatic Trade Center

When the docks of the Kehrwiederspitze became available for redevelopment several renowned investors tendered bids.

The winning proposal came from the Anglo- American joint venture partnership of P&O and Citibank.

The project entailed the rejuvenation of a 3.3 hectare site and the development five buildings, creating a total of 100,000 sqm. of premium office space now known as the Hanseatic Trade Center

The five phases are built on the river port and the Sandtor docks and are all linked by an intricate system of footpaths and bridges.
Hanseatic Trade Center, Hamburg, Germany

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